I'm 16 with a GED

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hi, I'm 16 with a GED and I want to become a licensed practical nurse. However, I have to wait until I'm 18 to go to school to be one. I was wondering what should I do until I'm eligible to be apart of a practical nursing program? Should I take lpn prerequisites or would I still be too young to start an lpn program once I finish the lpn preresquites?

Have you looked at Atlanta Metropolitan College? It might cost less.

You could take CLEP tests now at your current age and earn college credits. They cost less than paying tuition. You'll have to first figure out the places you are likely to want to go to college and see which CLEP tests they accept. I used CLEP tests to fulfill several of my nursing school prerequisites.

Hi, I looked at Atlanta Metropolitan college. They don't offer practical nursing.

I havent looked into CLEP tests yet, but I will now.

Thank you :)

Hi, I was in the same position you are in. I graduated with my GED in December of last year, at 16, and I am currently in school for nursing. I originally wanted to get my CNA, and work and save money, because I had planned on going to college Fall of 2016, so I just wanted to get a trade. However, I was told thatI was too young for the CNA program, but I could get into the nursing program. I am currently at a community college, since I didn't take ACT's or anything, but I plan on crossing over to a university next fall. My first semester in college was the Spring semester and it was awesome. Thankfully the program I am going into goes off of the GPA, and I can avoid taking the TEAS. I am currently taking prequsites, but by Fall of 2017, I'll hopefully be in nursing school. I hope this helps!!

Hi, I plan to take the same route that you are taking. I want to go ahead and start at a community college and get my prerequisites out of the way.

Thank you for your help :)

I wish is you luck with nursing school!

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