If not Nursing, then what????

Nurses New Nurse


I'm an "older" student working on my prereq's before actually taking the plunge into nursing school... I've read through so many of these posts and the overall theme here is that a lot of new nurses seem to be unhappy in their chosen profession and generally disillusioned with the nursing field - which, in all honesty, is making me very nervous about proceeding with the career that I've had my heart set on for so many years. My question is this....if you were to go back in time, would you choose nursing again? If not, what career would you choose? I'm very curious to hear everyone's what-if's.....:redpinkhe

Pink Lotus that is exactly why i became a nurse! your post took the words right out of my head onto the page. i thought oh i wont make enough and 'maybe i can get a solid foundation in 'western health-care' first. anyhow--i had reservations about becoming a nurse. worked in an er to get a real feel for chaos and insanity. took three years off from pursuing nursing. but for some unknown reason i took the plunge. do i regret it? yes and no. if i don't start seeing improvement in my overall mental health and performance i will leave the bedside.

i do not want to be discouraging but i have to warn you--in the hospital setting esp. there are many dysfunctional work relationships. i see docs scream--not just yell--scream at nurses/nurses to pts/pts to nurses. one thing i have yet to see though---patients screaming at docs. interesting. above all else i have to say this: i do not think one can honestly 'get used to or love' hands on nursing. you will know by your interactions with patients why you went into nursing. for me i can honestly say when the stuff is hitting the fan, my patients keep me grounded. they literally are the only reason i can get through some nights. funny...

It is nice to hear someone else who understands what I am talking about! Yes- the patients and often their families can show me the most beautiful things in life. Like you mentioned, sometimes a sweet little old lady or even a nervous crazy heroine addict in withdrawal can pull me through the night. You see so many sides of humanity at the bedside and I would miss that if I quit. Like you mentioned, I would not miss the emotional rollercoaster and lack of balance in my life that nursing seems to bestow on me-- I do a lot of yoga and also try to meditate and that does help. Regarding dysfunctional work relationships- what really concerns me lately is how many nurses are just so grumpy and caddy and I feel they have so much negative energy and I hate being around it. I am one of those people that enjoys being nice and that seems to annoy the grumpy nurses even more! I always felt like I might fit in better in a more "Zen" environment-- if that even really exists. I am hoping that there is a unit that I find someday where I have fun with my co-workers just a little more than I do now but I have fear that there is not such a unit. We'll see- this website is great- my fiancee is psyched cuz now I don't have to make him listen to all my babbling about the proffession so much so much! Peace:rolleyes:

PL I too would fare much better in a more zen-like environment, but for now i will settle for 'less crazy'. as a newbie, i find it odd that the job becomes more difficult with each passing shift. i am thinking of switching units from where i am at now. i guess one could say the best thing about nursing is that there are many different areas or avenues, but realistically there is 'dues paying' that is higher than any other profession i have tried. and i feel that hospital nursing is unique in its toughness. but this is just my opinion.

the only way to know if nursing is truly for you is to take the plunge and do it. work through the first and second year and stick with it.

Thanks so much to everyone who has responded - per usual, you all have given wonderful insight and advice to those of us on the outside looking in!:redbeathe

Specializes in Public Health.

I know this doesn't answer your question, but I think the reason you see a lot of negative posts here is because our society's general mind-set is to be quick with the negative stuff. People are more apt to vent, express anger, or moan about something than they are to say something good. A message board is an easy place to do that, and get immediate validation for your rants.

I wouldn't judge the profession based on what you read on a message board, at least not entirely.

I would like to work with computers. I'm sick of nursing and I don't really like it. I have much more of an affinity for learning computers than nursing, which I still feel like I don't really get. Also I think I would like it better, working with computers in an office environment. Just my two cents though. Just because I don't like it doesn't mean there aren't tons of people who feel like it's their calling or whatever.

I've also thought somewhat about pharmacy because one thing I really enjoy about nursing is learning about all the meds and mixing them and such. That's a lot of extra schooling though.

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