Ideas on teaching topic


My clinical group and I have to do a teaching project at the end of the semester. It has to be an hour long and we are trying to think of fun, educational ways to include the group. We thought of possibly decorating cookies or cakes in the different stages of pressure ulcers or possibly lecturing on diabetes while providing snacks that are diabetic friendly and bringing glucometers for extra practice. If anyone has any ideas on how to expand on these topics, or fresh ideas, both wold be very much appreciated! Thanks!

I'd use Jell-o molds for the pressure ulcers-- you can color the layers, including making them opaque, and then remove them as things get worse, all the way down to bone, which you can get at the butcher's. :::eeeewwww:::

Make them in parfait glasses :)

that is a great idea! thank you!!

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