ICU nurses impact on paitients and their families...?


Hi, I am not really sure how to put a post up so im sorry if this is the wrong way. I am a senior in high school and I have chosen to write a research paper on ICU nurses. I would like to write my paper on the impact that the ICU nurses have on their paitients and their paitients families. I was wondering if any ICU nurses would like to write to me and tell me a little bit about where they work and the impact they have with their paitients and their paitients families. Such as what it is like being an ICU as far as interaction with their paitients and what it is like in the typical day of an ICU nurse. If anyone would like to provide me with some information, just basically the emotional and compassionate side of being an ICU nurse, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!!

Specializes in CCU/CVU/ICU.
If anyone would like to provide me with some information, just basically the emotional and compassionate side of being an ICU nurse, I would really appreciate it. Thank you!!

First of all, the'emotional and compassionate side' of being a nurse applies to all areas of nursing...not soley the ICU. You would be better served to post this question on the general nursing forum.

The thing about family interaction in ICU that is different from all the other areas of nursing is that you're always dealing with people (families/relatives/etc) in 'crisis-mode'. This can drain the nurse emotionally/physically/mentally/spiritually because not only are you caring for the sickest of the sick, you're dealing with freaked-out people (and many of them have dysfunctional ways of dealing/coping) . sometimes LOTS of freaked-out people in crisis-mode. All day. Every day.

Being fuzzy and huggy ('emotional and compassionate') many times plays a second-string as you're regularly more concerned with chasing numbers, tweaking machines, and generally trying to keep people alive, or stable, or...

BUT...fuzzy huggy time does (and needs to!) happen. But that stuff (like i said) is not unique to ICU. Or to human beings in general. If you're wanting to be a nurse because of the huggy fuzzy stuff you should look into a different specialty.'re young. I think maybe a bit too young yet to appreciate all this stuff. You'll get there if you're determined. And by then i'd wager you'll have a wee different perspective. Get through school first. :yeah:

Yes i agree with Dinith88, working in ICU, you'd think, wow these patients and families would be so appreciative, you are with them 12 hours, trying to save their lives etc. But its quite the opposite, granted there are many a family who is more than appreciative but the truth is , their family member is critically ill, maybe dying, they are in shock, grief, denial etc. Doctors arent around much so most of it is on the nurse, all the questions, complaints, etc while you are trying so hard to take care of the patient, chart and be there for your team. You can do so much and yet they cant see it, they dont see that part, its ok, like i said, their priority is their family member, you have to just feel good you are doing your job, not making people happy, it is hard but you get used to it, no choice. And then when someone says thank you, or you've given me so much information, i understand now. you just take it and grab it and feel good that day. Hope this helps, been a critical care nurse 10 yrs and i still love it!!

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