ICU especially hard on back?

Specialties Critical


Is ICU harder on your back than working other floors, or is it the same?

I hurt my back during my preceptorship in may which I still haven't fully recovered from. Now I'm worried about which departments would be safer/harder on my back. ICU and ER are the positions I'm the most interested in, but unsure if working in either is a bad idea for my health.

I've been applying to non-floor nursing positions thinking it would be better for my back health, but everyone wants you to have acute care experience first.

Consider Neonatal ICU - how bad can that n=be on a back!

I have worked both ICU and ED and I thought the various ICUs was harder on the back. Turning about every 2 hours, constantly cleaning, gotten them out of bed, fighting to keep them in bed and pulling up the obese patients who constantly slide down in bed. It is a constant battle to lift properly, but it takes its toll!!

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