I am crap career nurse. To me, nursing was a way to get by, to work a bit, then travel a lot, work some more, then ski for a winter. Nursing helped me have fun, but I paid nothing back to it, or myself. I was an immature nurse, never thinking of the future, never planning, or furthering my own career. And now, after more than 20yrs of nursing, I'm a school nurse - please no offence to school nurses. But I went to a DOD school nurse conference in austria a couple of years ago, DOD (I think that's right) is the american defence military bases around europe. They have families living on base, and hence schools and school nurses. Out of 100 nurses, I was the only male.
The nurses were lovely, but not only was I the only male, I was the youngest person there. What have I done to my career.
I mean, I do enjoy my job, and I enjoy working with kids, although the military guys at the conference did have a bit of a chuckle at my predicament, but in a nice way, not a mean way.
I never planned on being a school nurse, but it's a job and it pays the bills. Has anyone else's career turned stagnant, and just a means to pay the bills?
I never did all the things I wanted to do, but then again, do any of us? If was put in an emergency room now, I'd be good with the minor injuries, but for the serious stuff, I'd be out of date with every single medical practice around.
I even looked at moving back to a hospital in England, but they wouldn't have me, and kept on saying I'd killed my career by spending so much time in school.
Anyway, no real point to this, just feeling a bit down.