I Will Be Starting LVN School NEED SOME ADVICE


Hello Everyone,

Hopefully I will be starting LVN school on August 28th. I have been attending a local state college since 2005. I really wanted to start working as a LVN, before I try to get my BSN. I decided to get into this local vocational school to get my LVN. How demanding is the LVN program? I know with any program that it will have it's demands, but I was just wondering if this would create a problem if I took on a pt job. I'm so nervous about starting this program. I have six kids to raise and i'm just not making it on 1,093.00 a month. Before I was divorced I stayed home to raise my children and now I have to get training or something to get a better job. I have been wanting to become a Nurse for many years, but what's scary is that I'm in my 40's. I'm still raising children. My youngest is 9. I have eight children total. I know with many of you on this website that getting an LVN is not like having a RN. I also would like to know if anyone would tell me if they are really phasing out LVN in California. I live in California. I live in the Inland Empire. I really would like to someday move to a much better area. I want to know if there is room to grow as an LVN. I will continue and get my BSN, but I need to be working in a marketable career. I also have very little support. My mother just died of cancer and I helped take care of her. She was the biggest support in my life. I really would like to get to know some of you people on this website. All of us will need encouragement and support in anything we do. Please if anyone could give me some feedback on becoming an LVN I would appreciate it.


Hi there! I am a new LPN here in the state of Ohio. I went to a community college to get my certificate. I'm 43 years old, married with 4 kids.

You can do it. It is not easy but if you REALLY REALLY want to be an LPN then you will find a way to make it thru the time it will take you. Don't get overwhelmed by thinking of how much you have to do or how long it will take you. I managed by, first of all, just taking it quarter by quarter. My program was 7 quarters long. And on a day to day basis, I did what I needed to do to get thru that day...take care of my kids and my school stuff. If I had to go to class or clinical...I went. My kids were given more responsibilities around the house (not a bad thing) so that not everything fell on my shoulders. My husband was also a huge help. There were alot of single moms who worked FT or PT jobs while going thru school. Some wound up dropping out for various reasons (childcare issues, mainly) but many stuck with it and are now out there working. ANd when you're done, you will have a tremendous sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself.

Good luck.

Specializes in LTC, Psych, Hospice.

I agree with Miss Ivy! The kids are going to have to help out around the house (extra chores or whatever). If being a nurse is something you really want, then you can do it. When I went to nursing school I was in my 30's, I was a single mom with 4 kids, worked part-time and made the deans list. IT CAN BE DONE! Good luck to you!

Hi there! I am a new LPN here in the state of Ohio. I went to a community college to get my certificate. I'm 43 years old, married with 4 kids.

You can do it. It is not easy but if you REALLY REALLY want to be an LPN then you will find a way to make it thru the time it will take you. Don't get overwhelmed by thinking of how much you have to do or how long it will take you. I managed by, first of all, just taking it quarter by quarter. My program was 7 quarters long. And on a day to day basis, I did what I needed to do to get thru that day...take care of my kids and my school stuff. If I had to go to class or clinical...I went. My kids were given more responsibilities around the house (not a bad thing) so that not everything fell on my shoulders. My husband was also a huge help. There were alot of single moms who worked FT or PT jobs while going thru school. Some wound up dropping out for various reasons (childcare issues, mainly) but many stuck with it and are now out there working. ANd when you're done, you will have a tremendous sense of accomplishment and pride in yourself.

Good luck.

Miss Ivy,

Thank you so much for your reply. I will not let no one get in the way of my dreams. Today, I had a meeting with my department of rehabilitation couselor. He told me that Nursing would not be a good career choice for me since I have a learning disability and hearing impairment. My contract with them was to finish my BSN, but I wanted to work in the field while I try to complete my BSN. My counselor signed me up for LVN Adult school program, which you have to have a CNA and take a Basic Medical Class. Well, since June I have been taking care of my mother who was dying of ovarian cancer. My mother passed away on July 20th and we buried her on July 27, 2007. Since all of this i have trying to keep my counsleor and his supervisior informed about my personal situation. Well to make along story short I went into his office this morning to let him know that I was going to take on another program, because of the amount of time miss in the Adult school basic medical class. I walk in there and he just attacked me saying that with my learning disability I would never make it and telling me that my life has to much stress and I wasn't smart enough to become a Nurse. :angryfire I was sooo upset. He also told me that because I didn't complete the Basic medical class that it showed that I had no interest in it. I told him that my mother just passed away and you were informed about everything. He just kept telling me that I should look into truck driving, cooking and cleaning. He also said that this field would completly stress me out. I understand that nursing is not for everyone, but I love to work with people and there are many other things that I can do with a degree in Nursing. I can teach, which I really would like to do. I'm so upset right now so please forgive me it my grammar is not perfect. I just want to tell you that I will become a Nurse and it's people like you that really motivate me to keep going. Thank You!!

Specializes in Geriatrics/Family Practice.

I just read your story and I'm sorry to hear about your mother and everything else that is going on. For starters, who in the heck does this counselor dude think he is? If you don't have to have contact with him, I wouldn't. Noone can tell anyone what they are and are not capable of. My instructor from nursing school was dyslexic and had her masters and was an excellent nurse and teacher. You can do anything if you put your heart into it. You've probably got more incentive to pass school then most, 8 children. When a mother has to provide for her children she can do almost anything. I wish you the best of luck and do not let anyone get you down or make you think your incapable of something. When it is all said and done and you pass your boards, the first person I would rub it into would be that dumb counselor. Good Luck and welcome to nursing.

Oh My Gosh! Whoever this person is...to tell you you're not smart enough for a nursing program...or dedicated enough because you didn't take such and such a class when you're mother was dying...what an IDIOT! Look at the community college. Or look at another program and apply for grants and financial aid and go on your own. That guy is absolutely crazy. And as far as having a learning disability...I don't know what it is is but don't you let it get in your way. That guy sounds like a jerk. There was a young man in my class...25 years old, newly married...this guy was DEAF. He could barely hear out of one ear because he wore a hearing aid. But if there was noise...and when isn't there noise...he couldn't hear anything. But he was great at reading lips. Let me tell you....this kid worked his butt off and made it thru all 7 quarters of our program. I was with him in alot of clinicals and he was just awesome. And if this kid, who was totally deaf could make it thru...so can you. Again...if you REALLY REALLY want to be a nurse, sweetie...you can do it. Just stay focused. I, too, was told alot of things before I started and as I went thru my classes/clinicals, surprisingly...most of the negative comments came from my own parents, who are in their early to mid 70s at this point. "Why are you wasting your time?" "You can't do this so why are you trying?" "And on it went...until finally, with about 2 quarters to go...and me making the Deans List every single quarter and getting almost straight As, they finally started to shut up and change their tune. "Oh, you're doing great!" Blah blah blah. I invited them to my graduation, which was a HUGE night for me, but they didn't want to come. It still hurts when I think about it. THe point here is, don't let ANYONE tell you that you're not smart enough or make you feel like you can't do this. Because you can.

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