Published Aug 17, 2007
1 Post
Hi, I'm Shirley, I am just a CNA, work PCU. Someday will be nurse. My grandma was recently on a PCU floor, has (had?) bleed in stomach, is at home and feeling much better. Unfortunately, before she came to the hospital she was vomiting blood and of course she had to receive blood products. Her I.V. was apparently infiltrated, she ended up w/ blood products in arm. When she saw her doctor for follow-up (after discharge) she asked about the arm that was purple/red, hard, and hot. Forgot to tell him it was blood products that went in (not saline). Currently applying moist heat and keeping arm elevated. Watching for fever, worsening condition, any change of ability to move arm, worsening heat, redness, or hardness. All of these are currently kind of evenly spread out through large segment of lower arm. I suspect we have done all we can do for now--- it is a Friday, nowhere to go except ER if gets worse. Although we (the Dr., my mother--an R.N.-- and me) have probably done everything possible, I wanted to see if anyone had any feedback or advice on what should happen if things get worse, other than, of course, prompt medical attention. Maybe I just need to vent-- it sounds like the bases are covered-- but if anyone knows anything else to watch for or any way to make this situation better-- thank you very much. I am very grateful. Shirley
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,838 Posts
Best wishes Shirley. It does sound like all bases are covered. The main thing to watch for is increased swelling to wear the neurovascular integrity of the extremity is compromised, such as in compartment syndrome. Movement, circulation and sensation. Report loss of sensation, tingling, severe pain, changes in cap refill etc.