I survived!

Nurses Announcements Archive


Today was my first day in the hospital with patients! I got a really a nice little old lady who was pretty much doing everything for me and explaining why ;)

I helped out some other students with their more difficult pts and I think I can take it on, as long as I don't have to suction mucous. One student did that and I really thought I was going to lose it.

you are so lucky to have such an easy first day! you lucky duck!

my first patient had hiv & viral gastroenteritis. :eek: i asked my clinical instructor if i had p*ssed her off, & she simply said, "you can handle it. i have faith in you." to be completely honest, 6 hours later, i was glad i had that patient. i learned so much! i was completely exhausted, physically & mentally! but, it was definitely a learning experience. at report, she promised me an easier patient the next week.

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