should I stop a rx?


I have have been dx w/ panic attacks for over 6 yrs. I take prozac and 1 mg xanax XR (extended released)- (I do not abuse it in any way...) I have been taking these rx for about 6 yrs... at least, w/ the same dr. prescribing. When I take the drug test for nursing school.. which I am positive I will be candidate for Spring 2013 :) and the required physical, will this be an issue? Should I wean myself off these rx now? Will this medical history affect me? It has been completely under control for many, many years. Advice???

Specializes in Complex pedi to LTC/SA & now a manager.

Hello and welcome to!

While I understand your confusion and frustration these are questions that cannot be answered by the members of an online message board. You need to present your questions and concerns to your primary care physician or treating physician, and perhaps your state board of nursing and school of nursing. As per the terms of service of this site (link at the bottom of each page of this website), members can neither solicit nor offer medical advice.

Best of luck in your future endeavors.

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