Published Jun 1, 2008
8 Posts
I graduated from Florida Atlantic Univeristy with a 3.68 in Nursing. I have been working for 6 months on a progressive care unit and I am seeking ICU experience. I graduated with honors and have many university wide honors. I will take the GRE in December this year and I hope to pass with at least a 1100. My plan is to work for a few years and than apply to CRNA school, actually i plan to apply in Feb. 2009 for Jan. 2010 semester. What else can i do in between to improve the looks of my application?
56 Posts
Take the CCRN examination. Depending on the school that you apply to, it may not help you, but it certainly won't hurt you.
Check out the curricula of the schools that you are going to apply to. Look for courses like research, statistics, gross anatomy and physiology, etc. that you can take prior to enrollment. If you have one or more courses under your belt prior to starting, that improves your chances of success. Usually a Graduate Statistics course or Graduate Research Course will transfer. What you can do to ensure that it will transfer is email the program director the syllabus of the course that you want to take. If it is approved, take it and get it behind you. I wish I had known that I could have taken grad courses prior to enrollment. It would have made my life so much easier now.
Check out the AANA website often and stay up to date on issues regarding nurse anesthesia.