Published Feb 21, 2011
1,024 Posts
Hello! I graduated from RN school in December. I am studying to take my boards right now. My dream is to be an L & D nurse, although I am open to other areas. There is a girl I went to high school with (I'm 28 years old now) and I ran into her at a local hospital while visiting a friend. When I ran into her I was still in school. She is a L & D nurse. I told her about my prior experience and that I wanted to work in that department. We became friends on Facebook. She messaged me Friday and told me there were some PT openings and I should apply. I went ahead and applied online and listed on the application that I had been referred by a staff member. I messaged her back and thanked her. She messaged me back and gave me the number and name of the personnel woman.
My question is should I call and ask for her? What should I say? I'm not really sure. I don't want to call and give the attitude that I should be hired simply for knowing someone, especially when I don't really know her well. Any suggestions???? Thanks in advance.