Published Nov 25, 2012
106 Posts
Hey everyone,
I'm a sophomore at Henderson State University in Arkansas. It's a relatively small school, and only about 25 students are accepted into the BSN program each year. As far as I know, acceptance is based mostly on cumulative GPA and prereq GPA. I'm concerned about my chances of being accepted. My grades are relatively good; I have all As, except for two Bs. One of the Bs is in a class that isn't a prerequisite for the nursing program; I just took it to maintain 15 hours so I wouldn't lose my scholarship. The other B is in A&P though. I have 72 hours, so these two Bs have brought my GPA down to a 3.87. I'm scared to death that I won't be accepted into the program! I know that chances of acceptance varies from program to program, but if anyone else who has been accepted into a BSN program could tell me what their GPA was when they were accepted, it would be greatly appreciated. I'd just like to know what my chances are, and whether or not I should look into some Associate Degree or LPN programs.
234 Posts
Two B's are nothing to worry about. Your program is quite small, but as long as you do well on your admissions test you should still have a pretty competitive application. I would think about applying to a few other BSN programs though to be on the safe side since they only accept 25 people. For a program that has more spaces like 60-70, I'd say don't worry. But unless you know the average GPA of the other applicants its hard to tell for the school your currently at. But if you only have two B's, I really don't think you should be freaking out. Good luck!