Published Jan 20, 2008
Ninja Nurse, ASN
204 Posts
to my local hospital in unpaid medical bills, dating back to 2000. am i crazy to think that this place would even consider employing me? i mean that makes great sense, "sorry ma'am, your application was denied due to the financial obligations you have accrued with this hospital." or am i being crazy to think that the patient's finance officers mingle with the patient care managers? lol ya know what i mean, like if they type my name into their database and my bills pop up!!! could that really happen??:bowingpuri hope i can fix this.......
Shuggypie, ASN, BSN, RN
108 Posts
I would not worry, most HR depts. are not linked to patient finances. Only the people who work in the respective depts. have access to the information needed. HR has access to employment info only, PFS has info to patient bills only, etc. Once you are hired, make sure you call patient finances, and setup reasonable payment arrangements, and stick to it!
:up:Thank you. It's really an issue for me and I won't be able to fix it over night. Hope you're right, makes sense.
38,333 Posts
I would be thinking that the hospital would only be too happy to hire you once they find out about your debt, with the thought that they would have access to your wages for payment. Some employers have a system where they automatically deduct from your wages any debt owing, of course, with your knowledge. It would be a good situation for both parties. Of course, I hope you could make reasonable arrangements.