Published Aug 7, 2008
3 Posts
I need to conduct an interview with an adavanced practice nurse. If anyone is interested please contact me. I would like a response by August 9, 2008 if possible. Paper is due on Monday the 11th so if you could I would greatly appreciate it thank you.
christvs, DNP, RN, NP
1,019 Posts
I just passed my NP exam last week, so I am an advanced practice nurse now. I will start my first NP job in a few weeks. If I can help you, please let me know. You can PM me.
The information that I need is # of years/ type of educational experience, different roles in which you have worked in healthcare, how professionalism is incorporated in your role as a nurse, what advice would you offer someone beginning in nursing profession, and what advice would you offer for me as I work toward my ADN
Experience/education: I did a 2 year full-time traditional Master's degree in nursing program in Acute Care NP specialty. My NP clinical rotations were in Emergency Dept. & Cardiac Surgery. I also spent a few days in GI clinic, ICU, Oncology, & Vascular Surgery while in school. Since I just passed my NP exam, I am a brand new advanced practice nurse. I do have 3 years of experience working as an RN in med/surg/tele. Before I was an RN, I worked as a nursing assistant for 3 years (during RN school) in the same hospital I am in now. In 2 weeks I will begin my NP position working in hospital medicine.
Professionalism: I feel I think & act as a professional in nursing in many ways. I choose clothes to wear to work that are appropriate & not flashy, I plan on wearing a long lab coat in my NP position so that patients know I am a provider. Beyond that, I focus on my patients' needs & respect their opinions even if I do not agree w/ them.
Advice: I would advise a new nursing student to be sure to take care of her/himself while in school & at work, & not just others. I would tell you to be patient with yourself, absorb as much as you can & never be afraid to ask what you don't know. Read as much about nursing & medicine as you can; this will give you both confidence & knowledge to take care of your patients. Also, try to work as a nursing assistant while in RN school. You will be so much more comfortable around patients.