Published Oct 15, 2005
3 Posts
hey everyone can someone help me i'm a first year student and I'm having a hard time writing a care plan i'm planning on doing it on pain, can someone give me tips on goals. thank you sooo much
83 Posts
I really think this is a good book for careplans, Nursing Care Plans by Meg Gulanick. The author also made a website that generates a care plan for you at All you have to do is select what applies to your pt. I would not recommend using this website to do your work for you, because there is times you may be required to do a careplan on the spot at clinical. You can however use it as a guide to learn from. I have never actually used the website but one of my friends did who was having a hard time and highly recommened it. But like I said earlier, dont depend on it to much.:) Good luck!
ckh23, BSN, RN
1,446 Posts
I agree, get a careplan book. It will be the best money you ever spent.
12 Posts
I Would Like To Say That I Understand Your Pain. I Just Turned In My First 16 Page Careplan I Think It Took Me 25hours To Complete. I Am Going To Try And Buy That Book Thanks For The Info. By The Way I Think I Am Dying Because Of All The Reading, Homework, And Test. I Have Made All A's On My Tests Except This One. I Barely Made A 78% And I Am So Happy. All I Need Is A 75 To Pass And I Got It!! This Is Weird Normally I Want At Least 90%. I Have A Long Way To Go.