Published Sep 12, 2007
Aunt Bytes
22 Posts
sorry about that title! i was just trying to get your attention.
you guys, i honestly really need some help!
what does a nurse do when she is also the patient?
i'm talking about being a cannabis consumer. yes, me.
no, i'm not a pothead. and no, i'm not an "impaired nurse." and yes, i know when i am impaired, in the same way that i know when i'm impaired from alcohol.
what i am is a grown woman who learned the truth about the therapeutic properties of this wonderful god-given herb and chose to act on that truth.
and miracles upon miracles, the [color=white][evil][color=white]anxiety[/evil] that i have felt my whole life was suddenly gone!
i could actually think about what i was doing instead of just reacting emotionally to everything. finally, at 40 years old!
i didn't even realize it happened until the cannabis "wore off" and all of a sudden i was right back to being "stress girl."
as if that wasn't enough, i have also discovered the increased spirituality that comes from being able to turn off the chatter in my head and actually listen to what my spirit had been shouting for so long. wow!
i do feel a little guilty sometimes because i used to be that girl who had no tolerance for "potheads" and was militant in my views concerning these things. i was a dare mom, for crying out loud! but i guess it only matters what i do with this knowledge now.
that's why i'm here on this forum....asking for help.
i have a bsn and am licensed in the state of alabama. (definitely not a progressive state!) and yes, the board of nursing knows about me, so there's no need to run and tell.
is there room for me in the nursing profession?
it would be a crying shame to keep me from helping patients just because of the wronglful illegality of the medicine that helps me the most. i actually believe that the increased spirituality that i have attained helps me to be a better nurse!
i know that you don't know me. but i am a real person who is asking for help. and i don't know where else to turn right now. who would i ask about this kind of thing anyway?
thank you in advance for your help.
llg, PhD, RN
13,469 Posts
So ... what's your question?
Are you asking if there is a place you can practice nursing in spite of being a regular cannibus user? I would assume the answer to that is that you would have to go and live somewhere it is legal.
Are you asking how to hide your cannibus use from an employer?
You don't seem to be looking for advice on how to stop ....
Are you looking for alternatives for stress relief?
So ... exactly what are you look for from us?
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,406 Posts
It's illegal in most states.
There are opinions both ways but for now it's not legal to be a practicing nurse and use this substance, regardless of the benefits.
This is not a subject that can be seriously discussed on this forum. We've been this route before.
Best wishes.