I just finished my resume...


Specializes in Geriatrics/LTC.

I would make several copies, go out to the facilities, ask to fill out an application and attatch your resume to the app. Ask if the HR or DON is available for interview. The reason of asking for DON or HR is that some of the samller facilities the DON IS the HR for nursing and does the interview/hiring.

Good luck!

would asking for the administrator be ok too?? or is it "too much"?

Hi, I just graduated and got a job. Most applications these days are online. You can just go to the hospital websites and look for the entry level positions and apply. I would highly suggest going to career fairs and speaking with the recruiters, they can be your best friend. It shows that you're interested and that you are willing to travel to a career fair, if you can go to a couple where the same recruiter will be at thats even better. After the career fair if you are really interested in that hospital I would email the recruiter and thank them for talking with them and indicate if you have applied to any positions on there web site. The more face time and enthusiasm you show the more likely they will remember you and be there to help you.

Good luck :)

no one recommends just passing it out to random convalescents?

Just mailing in a resume is a waste of time. If it is a smaller

place, you can drop in quickly and fill out an application and

attach your resume. I have found that HR may not have positions

listed, but the NM is having staff changes and anticipating positions

to be listed in the near future. So the lesson for me was-always let

the NM know HR has your resume etc .

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