Published Oct 16, 2014
311 Posts
75 questions, got my quick results this morning. I feel like I overstudied for the exam - nothing came up that was out of left field in that every topic that came up was something I was at least somewhat knowledgeable on (they did throw the same drug at me twice, I'm pretty sure I got the wrong answer the first time and the right one the second). About 15 SATA, one 'put this in order' and the rest were multiple choice. I left not feeling awesome about my answers, but apparently it was good enough.
My study method: 150-200 questions a day, 100% of Kaplan q bank and trainers, read Saunders cover to cover and did the questions at the end of the chapter and the alternate format questions online, read Kaplan's Content Review Guide, PDA - did all questions but not the case studies, and did half of Lippincott's Alternative Format Questions book (this helped me a lot in feeling ready for those SATAs). I would do three chapters of content a day and follow it with the questions. That's my only advise - do as many questions as you can - I ended up seeing a lot of overlap in material between what showed up in my NCLEX and the Kaplan q bank.
Good luck!
EDIT - oops, this was meant for the NCLEX thread, my apologies!