I hate night shift

Nurses New Nurse


Ok, so I just need to talk, so here goes..

I am a new nurse, and I requested night shift because I didn't think I could handle the BS of days, with all the admits and docs and whatever. But after 1 week of nights, I started to get depressed and feel like ****, which is sooo not like me. I hate it. I am a happy person, and I want to just quit my da*n job. I cry about 4+ times a week, for varying reasons, just to "get it out", although I don't know what I am realy getting out, I am just so unhappy. Lonely mostly. I haven't made night shift friends yet, but I don't have any of my usual friends up at 2am. I have tried to do the day schedule thing on my off days, but I feel so tired I end up crashing at 5pm for a 5 hour nap, and feel even more let down by my body because I missed more day hours that I could have been up. I work better getting up at 5pm daily, and going to bed at about 8 or 9 am.

Anyone else understand? None of my coworkers get it, they are all getting up at 12pm on their days off and going to bed at 10pm, acting like normal. I can't freaking do that!!!!! I wish I could, but it's just not for me, and as a result I am so alienated. Help! I have asked for day shift, but until then, what do I do? Thanks :)

Ok, so I just need to talk, so here goes..

I am a new nurse, and I requested night shift because I didn't think I could handle the BS of days, with all the admits and docs and whatever. But after 1 week of nights, I started to get depressed and feel like ****, which is sooo not like me. I hate it. I am a happy person, and I want to just quit my da*n job. I cry about 4+ times a week, for varying reasons, just to "get it out", although I don't know what I am realy getting out, I am just so unhappy. Lonely mostly. I haven't made night shift friends yet, but I don't have any of my usual friends up at 2am. I have tried to do the day schedule thing on my off days, but I feel so tired I end up crashing at 5pm for a 5 hour nap, and feel even more let down by my body because I missed more day hours that I could have been up. I work better getting up at 5pm daily, and going to bed at about 8 or 9 am.

Anyone else understand? None of my coworkers get it, they are all getting up at 12pm on their days off and going to bed at 10pm, acting like normal. I can't freaking do that!!!!! I wish I could, but it's just not for me, and as a result I am so alienated. Help! I have asked for day shift, but until then, what do I do? Thanks :)

I am still in nursing school, but we started night shift clinicals about a month ago, and I am absolutely in love. I am one of those people who hates getting up early, and I will do everything to avoid it. All of my nursing classes are in the evening, and my clinicals don't start until six, so I spend Monday-Friday on the night shift schedule (generally going to bed anywhere from 5-7:30 AM, and sleeping from 12:30-2:00 PM). On Saturday night, I try to be in bed by 1:30 or 2:00 AM at the latest, and I am up at 8:45 AM Sunday morning for church. After church, I come home, take about a two hour nap, and get up. I am then up until my usual time, and I am successfully back on the night shift schedule.

I know that I am built for nights after graduation from nursing school. I sleep great during the day, I feel great at night, and I have no problems staying up. Some people, however, aren't built for nights, and it is something they can't handle. My body isn't built for days, and working day shift absolutely killed me last semester. I was tired all the time, I wanted to sleep constantly, I was irritated and annoyed with people, and I always woke up feeling physically ill in the morning. Now I am happy, healthy, sleeping great, and feeling fantastic.

I think that your issues will resolve once you get onto a shift that works for you. This might be first, or it might be some other strange shift like 11A-11P. Try numerous shifts out, if you can, until you find what really works for you. Also, I don't have any tips about night shift at all because it comes so naturally to me. I have no issue staying up, and I have no issue sleeping. I have blackout window curtains, and I run a fan during the day. Other than that, I have no tricks up my sleeve. I pretty much pass out when my head hits the pillow, and I often don't even roll over until I wake up.

Good luck on finding a shift that you love!

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