I got a transfer!! any tips?


After what will be almost 3 years on a neuro/med surg unit, I finally got a transfer to Labor and Delivery! I am so excited and terrified of this huge change! It feels like I was just in school and that I just passed NCLEX. Sometimes I can't believe I am not in orientation anymore! :eek:

I can't even begin to think of how to prepare myself for this change! I have to wait months to transfer but at least it has been approved and a date has been set. Is this normal for hospitals in other areas? I go the transfer but they are making me wait literally 10 weeks to transfer! :sniff:

Any tips on how to use my last couple medsurg months or how to prepare this unprepared neuro/stroke nurse for this change!? I have one of those little OB/GYN nursing intervention books that I used to look over before the interview and shadowing but I'm looking for more in depth material. I've tried to look here but I want to make sure what I find is up to date.

I just feel so grateful for all the experiences I have been able to have in med surg and so excited for this new chapter in my nursing career. :smug:....even if I do have to wait till May...

Specializes in Neurosciences, stepdown, acute rehab, LTC.

No advice but congrats!

May I ask what u do in neuro/ med surg ? I just land an interview in neuro /trauma unit


There is a book Fetal Monitoring, by Tucker, Lisa Miller, Dr David Miller to buy. This book is overwhelming bus as become my bible.Lisa Miller has con on fetal monitoring introduction, and slo the GE education has a wonderful online program for fetal monitoring. You should just focus on fetal monitoring and Physiology of pregnancy to start. The NCC National certification for OB has great introductory modues for OB. Good luck

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