I got it!


Specializes in Med-Surg.

First of all, my mom has been a LPN for 10 years. And she can stick an IV in anyone. She's one of the best we've got at our hospital. So, I just assumed maybe there was a gene, and she'd pass it on to me. She says she has never had trouble with IV's.

Well, it didn't. Took 5 tries (on 5 different patients of course) before I got my first IV. Then forever it seemed like, someone had to help me find someone to stick and I still only got about half. I have gotten better, but not good.

But, I overheard my co-workers talking yesterday. They were all talking about my IV starting skills getting better, and said I hadn't had to call any of them in a month. And I realized, they were right. I've been able to do all my own! May sound silly, but that makes me feel great. I've also had some really tough patients too.

And yesterday, one of the other nurses asked me to look at one of her patients she couldn't get an IV on. I told her I was sure if she couldn't do it, then I couldn't either(she's pretty good), but she pushed me on into the room.

...and I got it ;)

Specializes in Education, Acute, Med/Surg, Tele, etc.

Doesn't sound silly at all! Congrats and keep up that good work...and may it always make you proud because frankly it isn't a easy thing that should be assumed everyone can do!

My husband is a paramedic...and talk about having someone around daily that can put in an iv blindfolded with one hand! He gets them in first time out all the time, and says "a trained monkey can do this!".

Okayyy...thanks buddy for making me feel less than a monkey some days! LOL! But how did he get so good??? 13 years of practice! LOL! That is the name of the game, practice and learn your own personal styles and of course limitations! I do a very good job of them now...but I do know my limitations on certain patient types I have a harder time on...and that helps me focus or save a patient from many tries by asking if someone can start it for me! For instance...the elderly dehydrated obese person on dialysis! LOL! Predinsone skin that breaks by looking at it..and veins that pop by simply breathing! Those are my hard ones...so I give it two tries if I feel able, or I give it to a nurse with more experience in these patients. It is OKAY to do that...it is not laziness or lack of skill as much as it is a curtesy for the patient and lower infection risk/bruising/pain/phlebitis as well!

Keep on doing them...each time you get better and better! And never get frustrated if you don't get one from time to time...happens to the best of us! Also, listen to your patient...if they say "I am a hard stick"...I trust them!

Specializes in ER, Teaching, HH, CM, QC, OB, LTC.

That's "sticking" with it!! Way to go!!

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