Published Oct 19, 2015
1 Post
I am a new CNA working at a health home agency until I get experience to work at the hospital. I got my first assignment and it was horrible. Literally horrible.
This man is fairly young so not elderly but has no sensation from the shoulder down. He is essentially bed bound. I had no idea I was going to work with someone who would not be able to help me physically.
I had to turn him to the side, but he wanted me to do it HIS way. I only know how to turn people to the side based on what my CNA instructor taught me. He had me moving his hips here, moving his shoulder here there, etc... I couldn't move his arm over so he would not be laying on his arm... he told me I was gonna break his shoulder if I did that (but that is what i learned from my instructors), and I tried doing it his way, but ultimately, he said he was really uncomfortable and to not touch him anymore. So he was on his side but not happy and in pain. He said he needed to be on his side for 2 hours but will settle for an hour because the pain would be too much. I asked if I could do it over and he said no. He said I was gonna make it worse and that he would slide down the bed (he also has no legs). I felt so bad, but I tried following his directions, but I guess he didn't like how I did it. He also talked really fast and muttered so it was hard to hear him.
He had really no patience with me although he knew I was a brand new CNA. He said he would deal with it. He wanted his pillows a very specific way.. facing a specific way.. and it was all so detailed. I was supposed to feed him but positioning him on his side took a while so he didn't even want to bother dealing with getting him back up again. He kept saying "this takes not a minute but with you it took 30." I felt like complete crap. I kept apologizing, and he said it was alright and to not worry about it. I want to get better, but I feel like i need someone to be patient with me. He kept saying I took a long time to do everything... ugh :[ I never learned how to do condom catherers or anything in school but here, I have to deal with so many new things. I was supposed to do a hoyer lift but I was not trained on how to do that. I'm just feeling like I messed up horribly.
19 Posts
I was the same way. Some people like things very specific but with time you will naturally know how they like things and you'll get faster!!!!
Missingyou, CNA
718 Posts
I'm not surprised your first day was so horrible. No matter where you worked your first day as a CNA you would have felt the same way.
Often, you will come across someone who likes things done a very specific way just like this man did. For someone who has lost so much independence, this is one of the few ways they have a sense of control. ...let them have it. It's not's them.
Add in the fact that he knew you were a new CNA, that just adds fuel to the fire.
You need to go in there with your head held high. Be willing to do things his way, just as you did. Apologize ONCE if things don't go so smoothly, otherwise it appears as though you lack confidence and don't really know what you're doing, which will make him more anxious/frustrated. Fake the confidence! Never let them see you sweat!
After a few more visits with this person, you will have his routine down and will be able to do things the way he likes without him having to tell you. He will get more comfortable with you too and maybe go easier on you....then again, he may always have a complaint about how you do things...some people are just that way. Don't take it to heart. It is what it is. Always be pleasant and try to put yourself in his shoes. Remember, you are in HIS home, respect that and all will go well from here on end.
You got this!
P.S. If it is your goal to work in a hospital. Home care generally doesn't count as experience. Hospitals will want nursing home experience.'s all about the ability to prioritize and organize in a fast paced environment.