I failed the HESI?


ok, so I took the fundamentals HESI today and I made an 833, and our passing grade is supposed to be a 900. I have passed all my unit tests so far, and I don't have a grade below an 80. The reason why I am upset is because multiple people in my class who are actually failing fundamentals and are really struggling passed with really high scores. In my opinion, I think it's unfair how they score the hesi, considering some questions are worth more than others. Like, who decides how many points a question is worth? All of the questions I missed, I had legit rationales to back it up. Almost every question had two answer choices that were correct. I am incredibly discouraged as I feel this is a sign that I may not be cut out for nursing. Does anyone have regarding the comparison of the hesi to the nclex? also, does everyone get the same questions on the hesi? or are they random?

Specializes in Neuro, Telemetry.

Many schools use a HESI developed for their specific program. The questions are mixed up, but they are mostly the same for everyone in your class.

You our are in fundamentals. It is ok not to pass and not fully understand why. As you get further into the program the questions will get harder. It is really common for 2 or more answers to correct. The questions are meant to make you critically think to know which one is the most correct.

You our may have perfectly good rationales for the wrong answers you chose. And that answer could technically be correct. But the other answer was most correct due to priority or key words in the question.

One men thing you need to learn is not to compare yourself to others. What other people got on their HESI doesn't affect you. It will not change your grade. And it has no bearing on your future grades. So what exactly is the point in trying to put others down in comparison to yourself because their grades were higher. I understand you are upset, but you can't blame others good scores for your frustration, when the frustration is actually about your own performance.

Take me a few minutes to be mad. Then brush yourself off and move along. My first 2 HESIs I got a 650 and 652. Thank god they weren't used for matriculation. By third block I was finally over 850. Then on this last one I got an 897. It is what it is. It's a weird test and some people are good at it while others are not.

Thr way HESI grades is similar to NCLEX though. The score is not based on how many you get right, but rather the difficulty of the questions you get right or wrong. I could give and explanation in the different types of questions but you can find that yourself in an NCLEX review book. There are content questions that merely require rote memorization and have only 1 right answer. After that you get application, analyzing, and like 2 other types that are higher level difficulty and have potential to have multiple "right" answers. These are worth more.

Dont nut worry about one test. You'll get there eventually.

My my friend gets great grades. Got like a 800 on the last HESI and passed NCLEX in 75 questions.

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