I was accepted-into Helene Fuld Spring 2010

Nursing Students General Students


:heartbeatI am estatic!! I was so scared of not being acceppted into nursing school-that I waited until I finished all my pre-reqs before I applied...So I took all my pre-reqs-feels lyk I've been in school forever lOl:banghead:-(although I'm only 20:chuckle), took my NET test (90-math,67-reading) I turned my application in Monday August 17th, 2009 and received my acceptence letter in the mail Saturday August 22, 2009.:yeah:I couldn't believe they approved of me so fast...Well now that I accepted I'm worried about how I am going to pay for school...anyone know of any scholarships with hospitals-like working for them for 2years and they pay for your schooling?...And does anyone know if we start clinicals our first semester...I'm glad I got in with this class because this is the last 2year nursing program...after my class they are changing to a 4year program with Rowan University...

Hi Princess 2011, I am also starting HFSN in January and just got my papers as well. A little surprised that there is another math part, as I spoke to my friends in the class that started a year ago and they don't remember doing this! I didn't know that they were planning on doing a 4 year program with Rowan good to know! Looking forward to finally starting this program, although my finances are not! I have a Fed student loan, but no where near covers the cost of the uniforms and books as well!

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