Hurst vs. Kaplan...Opinions?


Specializes in GICU-WE GET IT ALL.

Hey guys. I am graduating in 33 days!YAY anyway, just wondering what others had heard about the differtn review courses, and if others were taking them at all? Thanks!!

I have heard Hurst does content review, and kaplan does more testing strategies?

I just got done with the Kaplan course.

The first day of the Kaplan course we took a 180 question test to assess where we are.

The rest of the days all we did was answer 75 questions per day.

The last day we took another 180 question test to see how far we have come.

Kaplan does absolutely no content review but you will learn alot of content by just answering the questions.

There were 10 people in my class who had taken hurst and had failed, many of them multiple times.

I feel alot more comfortable after taking Kaplan.

Specializes in Medical and general practice now LTC.

Would suggest a read in the NCLEX forum, there are a few discussions on Kaplan and Hurst

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