humor for MDS nurses


Specializes in MDS coordinator, hospice, ortho/ neuro.

The 23rd Directive

CMS is my shepherd , I shall not falsify.

It makes me to submit electronic files.

It leads me to accurate ADL data, and restores my RUGS score.

It leads me in the paths of Medicare regulation for reimbursement's sake.

Yea, though I walk through the secured unit of the progression of dementia,

I fear no exception review, for my Briggs manual is with me.

The Q & A's, they comfort me.

The RNAC prepareth a comprehensive care plan before me in the presence of the state surveyors.

The admissions coordinator fills my calendar with PPS assessments, the care plan meetings runneth over.

Surely QIs & indicators of delirium will follow me all the days of my life and I shall dwell on the RAPS forever.

Judith Stermer CRRN RAC-C

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