humanities credit


i need a humanities class...honestly i really dont care what class it is as long as its enjoyable and not too difficult. Most of the classes they recommend require alot of time and effort and i just dont have time to balance these classes with my pre reqs. what humanities classes did you guys take

I love humanities classes, nice change of pace from the science classes and they are truly interesting. And I really think they make you a better person. Find a really great prof though that makes the subject come alive. I have one prof that I stalk. LOL! I just love him. I've taken him twice. If I had the time, I'd take him again next semester but alas the real show starts next semester with nursing classes.

I've taken World Religions - I think everyone should take this class. Maybe then, people would not have this attitude of I'm right, you are wrong if we don't believe the same thing. Or at least respect other people's religious beliefs or non beliefs.

This semester I'm taking Film Appreciation - Don't let the title fool you, interesting class regarding the history of film, but there is work to be done here in learning the terminology. But I love it.

I think my fave Humanities course was Aesthetic Expression of Western Culture. Very interesting, or maybe I just love anything related to history that gives a deeper understanding of how "WE" arrived to our various beliefs, customs and traditions.

I've also taken Philosophy 101. Plus a bunch of history courses.

These subjects can be so enjoyable. I'm going to miss not being able to take a history or humanities course after this semester. The key though is finding an excellent prof, ask around your campus and check out rate my prof. I'm taking a history class now with a prof I could listen to for hours, he just makes history come alive for you.

i will make sure i get a good prof thanks.

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