Human Growth and Development-Summer '07 online course


I have enrolled in my first class to start off the nursing program at a local community college. I am scheduled to take Human Growth and Development this summer. The class is online. I will be taking A&P I online in the fall along with going to the evening class for Microbiology. Any tips on handling an online course? Any opinions, etc?

I did human growth and development online and had no problem doing it while working full time and taking an evening class. You just have to discipline yourself to get the work done. Gook luck :)

Online courses vary quite a bit in thier expectations-

I have seen some where online meant that you had to use thier software to view thier videostream at thier scheduled time. A major pain and the only reason to do it is if you live in some remote location without a local college offering the class.

The next type is basically a discussion group forum (like this one) with assigned readings and required submissions to the required threads. With these you have to keep up and make sure at the start you can meet the deadlines. It is no good if you might have to respond to someone else's 6pm submission by midnight when your are working evening shift with no access to a computer network.

My favorite 'online' format is- You do the reading, you submit an online, check-the-boxes-quiz per section/chapter and you (generally) have a proctered exam somewhere. These you can do on your time with your access to a network. They are often called independent study.



Can you really take A&P online? What about the lab requirements?



Specializes in Psych.

My online A&P had lab at the college once a week. It was tough because I couldn't raise my hand when I didn't understand something and by the time I formulated a question that would make sense in email, I had usually worked it out. That took hours sometimes.

My growth and development class was online, too. (Everything I've done for the past 2 years has been online, except Micro.) It was like the second example Craig gave above, except that we also had quizzes every week. It was unusual because the instructor let us retake the quizzes as often as we wanted until the deadline, so there was no reason for anyone to have a less than perfect score on them.

The big thing with any online class is keeping up with the reading and postings. I had 4 classes last semester and downloaded a free calendar program to keep track of them.

I just needed more of a visual reminder of deadlines than all my scribbled notes (I lost them frequently.) HTH,


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