How do YOU deal with stress?

Specialties Operating Room


Nursing can be very stressful and draining. I am curious how everyone here deals with stress. As for me, I go to the gym 3-5 days a week. I read to escape from reality sometimes. I also love comedy. Just started using aromatherapy again with meditation and soothing music. I really like Aura Cacia brand. I also drink Tazo "Calm" tea right before i go to sleep. Once in a blue moon i treat myself to an hour massage...should do that more often. If i could afford it i'd get one twice a week! I also play with my dogs, animals are suppose to be good for stress relief. They sure do make me laugh, very entertaining. Ah and sometimes i spoil myself with some good dessert, hot brownie or hot apple pie with vanilla ice cream! yum yum. lol:chuckle So what do you all do?

Specializes in orthopaedics, perioperative.

I sleep... I also play a good video game sometimes. Shopping if pay day has just happened. ;) Mostly I sleep.

Specializes in 5 yrs OR, ASU Pre-Op 2 yr. ER.

Getting out of town at least once a month for a weekend.

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