How and What materials to take into OR?


I am an SRNA, 2nd semester. What books, materials, etc etc do other SRNA's or CRNA' take into the OR?

How do you carry them? In a bag or fanny pack?

Do you have any suggestions for a particular kind of bag and where to purchase it.

Reference guides? Based on your experiences, what would you recommend?

Thanks for any advise.

Try going on aana website and look at the bookstore/products link they have a fanny pack that i have seen will surfing through their website nec :)

I carry:

Stoelting's Anesthesia and Co-existing Diseases handbook

Barash's Clinical Anesthesia handbook (I don't like the PDA version)

My "Black Book"

PDA with anesthesia related programs (5min. Clinical Consult, Sota's Anesthesia Drug Guide, Med Calc.)

Calculator (if no PDA)



Peripheral Nerve Stimulator


Precordial Stethoscope w/ chestpieces


Batteries for laryngoscope, penlight, PNS



Rubber bands (for getting that mess of cables off the floor and bundled away)

Radio (I like listenening to NPR as I'm setting my room up)

Glucose meter & diabetes supplies (I have IDDM)

This all goes into a tool bag about 12 X 18 inches available from Home Depot for about $25. Nylon/leather with a wide wire supprted opening. It is a little large but I like to have it large enough I can just throw my stuff into it after a case if I'm in a hurry.


Where's the duct tape and kitchen sink??!

Sounds like you are quite prepared for anything that comes your way! Great list of practical and useful items with quick resources if you need to review anything briefly before a case.


One of the best packs I've seen and the one I use is a canvas toolbox from Craftsman/ Sears. Very rugged and lined with various pockets.

Regarding books, I take Mass General, Barash's Clinical Anesthesia Handbook, and Pediatric Anesthesia. I don't consult them all that much, but it's nice to have them when you are questioning something.

Like Wntrmute, I carry my own PNS, but use the one in the OR unless it isn't working, my splendid Cardiology III stethoscope (that I bought before school thinking I'd need a good one, haha), precordial, Palm, Wallet, cellphone, pager, and a good pen. Oh, I also keep some extra scrub hats. The most valuable piece might actually be the pen.

I would like to add a powerful keylight for picking up Pediatric veins and hemostats would be a good idea, but after all it's the OR, you can always ask someone for a pair if your IV tubing gets jammed.

Good luck with clinicals. Once you get past the nervousness it's a great deal of fun.

I don't want to HAVE to ask for anything, especially when I was a student. Your insrtructors will respect that you are prepared. I also like to use the same PNS that I've checked each morning. I try to eliminate the variables I can control.

I won't get into the OR until June, but I have starting preparing. I have several anesthesia programs on my PDA including Barash "Clinical Anesthesia", Anesthesia drug guide, and of course epocrates. I also just picked up a reference guide called the "Anesthesia Brain". It's a great pocket reference designed by a CRNA while in school. It has a lot of very usefull info for quick reference.

People where I work in the trauma ICU make fun of my fanny pack. They call me Mr. Mary Poppins because I always seem to have what I (and others) need in there. I am not very anal but I do like to be prepared.

Trauma, the actual URL is

looks like an interesting product.

I appreciate all the responses. Some good information here. I also purchased the Anesthesia Brain from

It looks pretty useful, small enough for a pocket and durable. It also helps that the author started it when she was an SRNA. . . man I sound like a salesperson!?!?!

I haven't started clinical yet...tomorrow would have been the first day if the snow storm hadn't come! Either way, in addition to the brain book, I also purchased the Anesthesia and Critical Care Reference sheet. Many of the senior students I have spoken with have used this and loved it. It looks quite busy both online and in person, but hopefully it will be a valuable resourse. The web site for this $10, laminated sheet is:

Good luck to everyone starting clinical for the first time...I know I feel like I need it! :)

Thanks Bella Amore. Pity about not having clinical today. I am really looking forward to getting into the or. My first day is tomorrow.

I wonder how it will be?:

The patient is crumping, I'm in the process of doing a rapid sequence intubation, surgeon belittling me because I am taking too long, phone is ringing, anesthesiologist is describing to me the downward spiral of vital signs, my heart is pounding, sweat dripping from my forehead, stethoscope smacking patient in the eye, then my CRNA instructor yells at me to tell him in detail the "Mole Fraction" of room air!?!?!?!

I dont think Brainstation covers that. . . actually, I am very excited about being in the or. Just funny to think about all the insane questions I will be asked. Good luck and HAVE FUN!!

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