Published Nov 14, 2014
149 Posts
I just finished my first week on my own. I honestly think I did pretty well. My first night on my own was a complete train wreck but I guess I got the worst out of the way. I had a patient severely decline on me but I kept calm, cool, and collected... Or atleast that's what it seemed like to my coworkers. (in my head I was freaking out) My supervisor helped me throughout the event and it was from midnight to 5am that I was stuck working on this decline. Everyone complimented me on how well I did, even the CEO came to personally thank me. Buuuuut this was the first time all my charting wasn't done by the time to go home. I stayed an extra hour to get all my charting done. I honestly think this is understandable with how the night went and so did my fellow nurse on the floor. A week before this my preceptor told me that I need to time manage better... I just want to know how. Every night while on orientation and even this week after being off orientation I've had all my charting done and all my patients accounted for. Everything completed. The only time I didn't get everything done by end of shift was that night of the event. I just have no idea what to really improve on towards time management... I always get everything done during my shifts and I don't cut corners. I would ask my preceptor but I don't want to seem snotty or too self confident. I know as new grads most of us need to work on time management but I'm just wondering what types of things I could improve on... Which it may be hard to give advice without actually seeing my routine but I want too see what help I can get from here.
RN403, BSN, RN
1 Article; 1,068 Posts
I would ask your preceptor how you can improve on your time management skills. Ask them to be specific. I don't think this would come off snotty at all. You need to be critiqued honestly and truthfully in order to grow.