Published Jan 22, 2011
23 Posts
What makes you stand out during that intense flight nursing interview from all of the other Type A, over-achieving adrenaline junkies? I've got all of the requirements, but how do I shine apart from the rest of them?
Wow! 61 views and no reply. Ouch! A little advice would be appreciated from some of the experienced flight nurses/medics out there.
3 Posts
Most Program Directors want good well rounded critical thinkers. It is great to have all the letters behind your name, but can you put the walk the walk. Not only do they want that good ER or ICU nurse, but they want someone with OB, NICU/PICU experience too. Also, most programs do a tremendous amount of PR. Do you have the people skills to speak to yet another group of students, etc about what you do? Also, are you physically fit? Are you mentally capable of handling the flight stressors? Some nurses can't wait to fly, but when they get in the fixed or rotor wing and try to work, they just can't. Flight programs are the "shining stars" of most hospitals (assuming it's hospital based). Make yourself shine. just have to know someone on the inside. I hope this helps.
I appreciate your advice. You had some great tips. Now to conquer those behavior based interview questions. There is no way to prepare for that. ***Sigh***
Good luck and don't get discouraged. It's difficult sometimes to become a member of the "club" but when you!
14 Posts
My advice would be to ask a few HR managers or Nurse managers of various reputable flight companies. OmniCare, EagleMed, PHI, etc are all nationally recognized leaders in the industry. Shoot an email to a few Chiefs and ask what they're looking for in crew. Keep the emails and look for key words (teamwork, critical thinker, etc). Then figure out what qualities you possess and how they exemplify those expectations. Once that's done the only thing left to do is interview and get fitted for your flight suit.
Thanks for all the tips! I got it!!!!