Published May 13, 2012
2 Posts
Hi guys! Im a 4th semester nursing student ready to graduate in a month! We are doing our BRN paperwork and i found out that we need to report tickets more than 300$. I had a ticket 2 years ago for which I took traffic school and paid it off! I was going to report that and send my application tomorrow! However, today I got another speeding ticket now I'm really scared that it will affect my application and I might be denied or super delayed due to this. Has anyone had that problemo before? Also, since I just got the ticket I will have to wait two weeks till the court puts it in the system. Should I still include this ticket in my application or just go ahead and send the application without it? A reply would be highly appreciated. Thanks :)
1,082 Posts
Is the ticket >$300?
The one that I got 2 years ago was over 300..but I don't know what the amount of the ticket that I got today is..I would have to wait for it to upload in the court system..but I'm pretty sure it will be more than 300
1 Post
Two questions here:
What ever happened with your last ticket? I'm in the same boat...turning in my application in a couple of weeks and my ticket is on it's way to me. I am hoping it will be under $300 and am also planning to fight it because I really don't think I was driving as fast as the cop said (35 in a 25mph zone).
And, what do I say about the other tickets? I have two in my past that were over $300. Do you think it's enough to disclose what the tickets were for, how much $, when, where, and that I paid the fine and took traffic school for them? We were told we needed to explain what we were doing to remedy the situation and I'm not sure if that is necessary in the case of a speeding ticket? If so, what would I say? I drive slower and watch better for cops? (sorry, I'm not trying to sound frivolous but I do have a lead foot.). I'm thinking that saying "fine was paid and traffic school was completed" is enough.
P.S. It's for the CA BRN