Published Nov 12, 2013
177 Posts
I'm a new grad who has been working at a psych facility for about 2.5 months. I really wasn't actively looking for a job once I got this one, but the VA hospital I applied to right after graduation in May contacted me, and just offered me a position! I'm super excited to accept this position & know it'll be best for my career & future plans, but I'm wondering how I go about putting in my notice at my current job. I took the orientation date of the first week of December so I'd have time to give a 2 week notice. Do I just tell my supervisor I accepted a position elsewhere? Or should I go talk to HR first? I feel more comfortable speaking with my supervisor since we work together often...
Any advice appreciated! :) Thanks!
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
Look up your employer's policy & procedure on resignation. There should be an HR policy on this that includes all the specifics. There may be some stipulations about scheduling & time off after you give notice. Commonly, you are not allowed to take any paid time off or sick time after you turn in your notice.
Provide your current manager with a formal letter of resignation with details on your last day. You will also have to 'check out' with HR by completing some final paperwork. Make sure you do everything you are supposed to. If not, you may end up being classified as "not eligible for rehire" and this is a very bad thing that will show up each time you apply for a new job.
Never burn your bridges because you don't know what the future holds. In your letter, be sure to thank you manager for giving you a chance as a new grad - point out how much you have learned & how grateful you will always be for the experience. Be sure to explain why you are leaving in terms of your own career plan. Your goal is to leave a positive impression with your manager & co-workers.