Published Jul 14, 2006
155 Posts
Saw this thread on the main nursing student board but everyone there is quitting their jobs and heading off to nursing school. What about those out there who, like me, are working full-time and managing a household while cramming in as many pre-reqs as you can - what are you doing to get organized for the new year? After taking the summer off (which I regret, but that's another story) During my evenings and weekends I'm slowly organizing the house ... relaxing ... creating master menu plans and grocery lists ... lounging on the couch with the remote in hand ... organizing my study area ... sleeping in late on the weekends ... etc.
So what are you folks doing?
157 Posts
I work also but not full time. I work 25 hours per week, 5 hour shifts 5 days a week. Plus I have young kids- a 6 year old and a 2 year old. The oldest will be in first grade so my day time hours will be a little more free and the 2 year old still naps for a couple hours in the afternoon *knock on wood*. I think she's going to be like me- likes her sleep!
That said, I am getting the house decluttered and minimizing down. I also plan menus and try to use the crockpot since I work evening hours and am not around for supper so this will just carry over.
I already changed my schedule with work to two specific days off, mondays and saturdays. I am taking 4 online classes and 1 at the school and that one is on monday so obviously I have to have it off. Saturdays are so I have time for family or any extra studying. I may decide to take an extra day off during the week later on if need be....
And I will be making up a daily list and EVERYONE, whether they like it or not, will be pitching in to help more. I already approached dh about taking over certain chores completely so we need to sit down and discuss who will do what.
Other then that, I made sure to get all my school related things done today so all I need to do now is get books (not available until the first week of august) and some supplies.
49 Posts
I don't work in the sense that I get a paycheck, but I will be managing our bills, household, three kids and my school work while my husband deploys to Iraq this coming fall.
I've already put together a tentative schedule on how I plan to get things done. It usually works best for me that way so I'm hoping it works out!
labcat01, BSN, RN
629 Posts
I'm going to start making and freezing meals so that I won't have to cook for my family too often once school starts :)
20 Posts
buying my books early and reading... :) I have three kids so it helps a ton to get ahead while I can...
13 Posts
I work 50-60 hrs a week. lucky i don't have kids so am hopeing that i can fit in 3 courses but it may end up being only 2. I need to get my meal plan in better order ( my wife does't cook ) that declutter idea is also a good one. Maybe i should do that instead of sitting hear writing posts
160 Posts
I empathize with you. I am single, no kids, and still have a difficult time juggling work, school, boyfriend, etc.! Kudo's to you. Just keep it up.
How much were your books this semester? Books are sooo expensive!
gymrat33, LPN
56 Posts
I work 3 days a week and my youngest is starting preschool and my oldest is going into 2nd grade. I also need to declutter my house. I need to find some crockpot recipes for my family. I will only be gone 3 evenings a week. Has anyone ever bought their books off ebay? I did for this summer and saved a lot of money. My books would have been over $300. On ebay, I paid $110. It is definitly worth it. I hope everyone has a good fall semester. Good luck to all. It will be here before we know it. Have a great day!!!