Published Sep 26, 2012
4 Posts
Can someone tell me how to transition smoother into the lpn program and is there anything I can do to start studying now? How does lpn school work?
vintagemother, BSN, CNA, LVN, RN
2,717 Posts
Im getting ready to start lvn school in a few weeks, also. // YIPPEE!!!// Many posts say that there's nothing you should do except relax and savor your free time because you will have none once school starts. If you havent taken many nursing Prereqs or have been out of school for a while, then brushing up on basic math, anatomy, etc may be helpful. I'm spending my time planning my schedule (when I will study, making arrangements form children to get to school and practice, etc)
I ❤️ Nursing, LPN
129 Posts
There isn't much to do before, unless your program assigned a summer assignment. Enjoy the time off now, because you won't have any once you start. The first week for me was very overwhelming and nerve wracking and I wished I would've enjoyed the time before it started a little more. I kept saying "I can't wait for it to start!" Don't get me wrong, I love the program! I'm just missing the down time a little, but its worth it. If you have your books already you could skim through a couple of chapters. My program had a summer assignment which I read and took notes on over and over. Good luck to you!
Ahh thank you! I think Im gonna sleep rest and hang out with people the next 3 weeks cause its about to be intense lol