How to pick a specialty


Hi everyone. I am a new RN, graduated in May. I worked in LTC as a tech before nursing school. I just left my first job as an RN in rehab of a LTC facility because I am relocating to FL.

My question is: What's the best way to pick a specialty? I really want to be a NP one day, but I don't know what kind. I feel like I need to be exposed to different areas of nursing to make the decision. I had 3 semesters of med-surg in school and rehab was alot like med-surg. I am thinking Acute Care, Neonatal, but really I don't know. What kind of job can I get that will expose me to lots of nursing specialties? I am kind of over the med-surg thing and am looking for something different. I was thinking I could work PT or PRN at a couple different facilities in different units or floors. Anyone tried this? To those that have chosen a specialty, how did you decide? Any advice will be greatly appreciated. ;)

Specializes in Infection Preventionist/ Occ Health.

I did a clinical in peds and liked it, so I accepted a position in that area at graduation. However, I am enrolled in an FNP program, so I will most likely have to take a PRN position working with adults at some point before I graduate.

Specializes in Med surg, cardiac, case management.

I may be stating the obvious, but I would look at print and Internet resources about nursing. While I'm sure that reading about a nursing specialty isn't nearly as informative as actually doing it, it may help give you some direction.

Specializes in Neuro ICU.

Maybe look for a hospital that has a nurse resident program.

The hospital I work at does and it is one year long. The program consists of picking two to three areas you are interested in and you orient and work six to four months in each area. A lot of nurses who chose this option really liked being to experience the areas before they chose one of interest. Also, when they finished they had high confidence levels and satisfaction with their jobs.

See if you could possibly shadow a nurse in different areas of interst. This may be hard bc of HIPAA. Ask the nurse recruiter about options.

Good luck! I am from NW FL and miss it! Cant wait to get back.

Mrs. Alby

I am actually moving to NW FL. Do you have any experience with any of the hospials or healthcare agencies in Pensacola? I'd love to hear from someone who knows the area. ;)

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