How were you oriented to your floor?


Especially if you are a new what point does your preceptor 'pull back'? I have the feeling my preceptor has kind of stopped teaching me, though there is a LOT to learn! At first it was kind of overwhelming, now I am used to the 'routines' at least, but there are a lot of things, specific and general critical thinking type things, that I am just not getting.

She did at first help with concrete things I had very little experience with, i.e., dressing changes, ect, however beyond these task oriented things, I am getting really very little...thanks for any insight and help. I feel somewhat lost, and some days I leave feeling very inadequate.

When I was oriented: Preceptor and I had 2 pts x1 week, then 3, then 4-5. The first week: basic manuering around the floor (clean/soiled hold, where to find "x", how to use MAC system and computer system, etc. The 2-9 weeks were about fine tuning skills, protocols (CP, arrythmias, titration, etc)

Now orientation is like: preceptor and orientee immediately start out at 4-5 pts and work as a team to complete all assessment, meds, etc.

My suggestion: ask questions. If you don't get what you are looking for (rationale, etc.), perhaps a different preceptor would benefit you also.



Specializes in ICU, CCU, Trauma, neuro, Geriatrics.

Do you feel comfortable asking questions or for help from other nurses on the unit? Sounds like your preceptor is trying to cut the apron strings.

I have witnessed some "mini melt downs" of newer nurses on the unit I work on. During these crisis times when they are newly off orientation they do find that the rest of the unit is willing to work with them. This seems to be the time when you need to get to know the rest of the staff, who you can trust, who has special skills etc.

The experienced nurses won't let you fail but you do need to strike out on your own at some point.

The first two years of nursing were the scariest! and most nightmare provoking years of my career.

I had a few pretty rotten preceptors and a number of really awesome reference nurses, get to know everyone on the unit you work on.

Specializes in ER ( Peds/Adult).

I was fortunate to have a 3 month preceptor program as a new RN, working alongside an experienced nurse. I shadowed her for a week, then gradually began taking patients with her oversight. It really helped ease the stress for me.

If you have coworkers who can serve as resources, use them, most will have no problem answering questions/helping you out. It'll take a while for you to feel comfortable on your own, and you probably will get discouraged at some point, but you will get better and more comfortable with time, I promise! Best of luck!

Specializes in ccu cardiovascular.

First of all, how long have you been on orientation. Some people need a little more time to progress. If you are feeling overwhelmed maybe your patient load needs cut a little til you feel more comfortable. Don't be afraid to ask questions, and realize being a new nurse your experience will come in time.

Specializes in Critical Care, Pediatrics.

Remember to really communicate with your preceptor. Tell her what you are feeling in a very professional manner. Preceptors are there to teach you and help you learn, and if you don't feel that is what you are getting, she needs to be aware of that. She may not even realize you feel this way. Tell her your goals as well as the specifics of what you feel you need to learn. Make a list if you have to. Do you have an orientation book with a list of things you need to checked off on?

Also, the critical thinking part of nursing is a slower learning process. You are introduced to critical thinking while in nursing school, but you are really put to the test while you are out in the working world. You may not even realize it, but you probably already possess these skills. You may have just not have to use them enough yet. I will say that I am incredibly surprised and proud of myself whenever I see myself noticing little things about my when a patient begins to "just look funny" or isn't acting "right"...then, you put your critical thinking cap on and figure out why!

You'll do great...just keep your head up, your thinking cap on, and the lines of communication wide open! :)

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