How do nursing schools react to alternative faiths?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


I'm a wiccan and going to nursing school soon. I openly wear a pentacle. I'm wondering how nursing schools and clinical placements would react to this? I mean, it's not a problem if a christian student wears a cross, right?

My take on this:

1) Have all the religious or socioeconomic or political beliefs you want.

2) Understand that other people are different and may have a different view

3) Don't rub your beliefs in anyone's face

4) If someone rubs their beliefs in your face, just give an agnostic "uh huh" or dismissive "yep". Only acknowledge that you heard what they said. Don't challenge anyone's beliefs.

5) Don't change your beliefs because of anyone else's ideals unless you really think about them and they appeal to you. Also don't expect anyone else to change their beliefs for you.

6) At the end of the day, if you really believe in what you're into, just rejoice in that you've found what makes you happy.

(spoken as a complete atheist who respects other people's beliefs and can get along with them regardless)

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