How does nursing research affect you


I am taking a research class for my BSN and the questions are as follows:

1) What role do you believe nursing research plays in improving the care nurses give to patients?

2) How have you applied research to your career?

3) What do you think can be done to encourage more nurses to read or participate in research?

If you could also include what area of nursing you do and how long you have been a nurse.

Thank you for your help :D

Specializes in Trauma,ER,CCU/OHU/Nsg Ed/Nsg Research.
I am taking a research class for my BSN and the questions are as follows:

1) What role do you believe nursing research plays in improving the care nurses give to patients? It provides an evidence based standard of care.

2) How have you applied research to your career? All nurses generate a scientific knowledge base in providing evidence based care. Since nursing is a practice-based profession, just about everything we do is research-based. Do you need specific examples of interventions that are nursing-research based (as opposed to medical)?

3) What do you think can be done to encourage more nurses to read or participate in research? Nurses need to know how important their input is regarding research in the first place. Bedside nurses are in a great position to shop their ideas, but many of them are too busy ;). Journal clubs and nursing committees are a way they can become involved in reading and generating research topics, if they choose. Some facilities print out monthly newsletters with an area devoted to current evidence based literature as well. I think you'll also find a good number of research-savvy nurses in forums such as Allnurses, because they are internet-knowledgeable, and may have an easier time finding research that pertains to nurses. So, become an Allnurses member: you'll get the latest evidence based practice info here from nurses who are participating in ever-evolving standards of care.

If you could also include what area of nursing you do and how long you have been a nurse. 13 years, currently in Disease Management. Also a grad student.

Thank you for your help :D

Good luck with your paper!

Specializes in Staff Dev--Critical Care & Trauma.
I am taking a research class for my BSN and the questions are as follows:

1) What role do you believe nursing research plays in improving the care nurses give to patients? It gives clear evidence for or against current practice and how changes in practice can improve patient outcomes

2) How have you applied research to your career? In staff development, research guides how I teach best practice

3) What do you think can be done to encourage more nurses to read or participate in research? :banghead: I wish I knew. I get mostly eye rolling when the topic comes up. I point out how participating can improve patient outcomes, I get mostly the attitude of "we know what to do, why do we have to prove it?" I get a lot of resistance. B_B_F is right, though, bedside nurses are in the unique position of influencing patient outcomes by participating in research. It's also a great way to start influencing the public's perception of nursing. Think of how they would start looking at nurses if more and more stories came out about nursing research that lowered the public's risk of developing infection when in the hospital? Or that nursing reasearch led to shorter lengths of stay in intensive care, thereby lowering healthcare costs? I personally have found better success in getting the younger generations of nurses interested in research. Since there is more talk about it on the academic side, they are more familiar with it once they graduate. Journal clubs... enlisting ANY enthusiasm as soon as it shows its head... Those things help.

If you could also include what area of nursing you do and how long you have been a nurse.

I have worked 11 years in critical care... cardiovascular, trauma-neuro, flight, and staff development for the last 1.5

Thank you for your help :D

Glad to be of service!

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