How much do Seattle agency nurses make?


Just moved to Washington and I am not able to find out how much Seattle (and surrounding area) RNs make per hour. Help?


Specializes in CCU, Geriatrics, Critical Care, Tele.


Just thought I'd let you know that I copied your message to our new agency nurses forum as well as this forum to hopefully help you get your question answered faster ;)

Specialty nurses make $39 to $44 an hour in Seattle with my company, depends on shift and weekday/weekend. HRN also gives benefits for agency nurses who work over 30 hours a week. 206-340-1200 is their number. Tell Cami that 'Chit sent you.

Go to the Washington State Nurses Association (WSNA) they have contracts on several hospitals in the area. They may be able to tell you about hourly ranges, etc.

Staff nurse rates start at / around:

Base rate:

Years of experience

1 years = 17.75

2 years = 18.50

3 years = 20.00

5 years = 21.50

8 years = 23.75

10 years = 25.30

12 years = 26.20

15 years = 26.95

Some contracts add .80 or $1.00 per hour for certification and there is shift differentials, weekend premiums, etc.

Hope this helps. Ask to see the nursing contract at the places you apply. Currently there are a couple of unions, WSNA (as stated above), United Staff Nurses Union (USNU) and Group Health don't know the name of that one, I think Local 1099 but not sure. Don't know which hospitals are represented by which union. Some systems have more than one union in them. Don't know how that works, I think the union was in prior to the merger of facilities for the health systems.

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