How much did you pay for your nursing prerequisites


so i am a temple university in pa ( school of communication and theater)graduate with bachelor of journalism 3.2 gpa cummulative and a business minor (with few biology courses and humanities courses that could be transferable.

i just decided i need a change of career.please i want positive replies no frustrating comments like i cannot do nursing or nursing are getting laid off and its is hard work and physically demanding and all that blah blah .

i have done enough research and some volunteer work so i have an idea and my feet are wet somehow.although not soaked wet

forgive my attitude but i have been reading less encouraging threads from this website and im wondering on what i m getting into.

i want to attend a cheaper accelerated bsn program in the east coast. if you are in one please tell me how much that cost for the entire program and how long it is???

i know there are significant threads out there about this which for some reasons seem to lack what i am particularly looking for in my case.

i just apply to montgomery county community county college as undecided goal if i get accepted to mccc is to get my prerequisites out of the way. if you have been at mccc would you mind sharing your experience of being a student there ?

i will apply at ccp as a non decided student. and see if i will get into.

anybody who have try that please share your experience?

i do not want to apply nursing with that ridiculous waiting list at ccp i might as well apply as liberal art do you think that is a good idea?

how much does that fall semester at mccc or ccp cost if you are taking like 4 classes a semester?

please reply tell me on how you did your prerequisites in philadelphia before applying to any local and nj programs such as penn,drexel,umdnj,villanova,jefferson,eastern university,de sales,lassale,holly family, and other places around the country [/b]

Has anybody applied with a Bachelor Degree and some prerequisites in Temple Nursing school .What was your experience at Temple Nursing.?do you recommend applying to Temple ? I am Temple alma ter by the way with humanities degree.

I don't know the cost of that school. But 4 classes at 3cr each (or some at 4) would be full time. Call up and ask what the rates would be.

In 2008, at a Penn State branch campus, I paid $2010 tuition and fees for one 4cr microbiology class with a lab. And about $350 for the books and lab manual.

Also in 2008, I paid community college $749 tuition and fees for each of my 4cr A&P classes with labs, plus about $400 for textbook and lab manual, but those books covered both A&P I & II. A 3cr course was about $550 or $560 for a traditional lecture classes. Their online 3cr classes cost more, but not over $75 more, for the computer costs, I presume. Online was very convenient.

That just gives you some idea, since costs have no doubt risen since then. Lumping as many as possible into full time cuts the cost but then you have a big workload.

In Jan 2011, I took a 3cr Soc 101 from Rio Salado / Maricopa, online, and it cost about $625 or so tuition, they accept credit cards, bill in three monthly installments. Cost about $55 or $60 for the text book. Was a little pricy, but also convenient and rather lenient about deadlines, except that the final exam had a definite date and time frame and time limit. That school offers most of the gen ed stuff frequently, and you can choose either 8week or 12week courses, but once they start, they go straight through, no Spring Break or whatever.

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