How Much Is Too Much In Nursing School


of course everyone know that nursing is a very vigorous and challenging major. i would like to know where others( nursing faculy especially) think the line should be drawn because of a particlar situation i am dealing with.basically are some situations too much.


16 week semester

two groups of 1st semester nursing students( groups a and b)( increased class of minorities)

16 credit cousre load

class are:

clincal foundations w/ lab

care provider w/ clinical


health assessment w/lab

professional nursing class(lecture)

monday- clinical from 6:30 to 12:30


lab 2:00 - 4:00

lab 4:00 - 6:00

wednesday- lecture1 class from 9:00 - 1:00(includes lunch and ten minute breaks)

lecture2 class from 2:30 to 3:30

thursday - lecture class from 2:00 -5:00

friday- lecture1 from 8:00 to 10:00

lecutre2 from 10:00 to 12:00

now here is the where the question lies

both groups received their last exams for these class the week before finals started. there are a total of five tests

however, both groups did not have same test schedule which is to be expected but did one group have it easier than the other

group one only had three tests in that week + clinicals( a weekend break, and then the other two tests that following monday). also monday and tuesday reading days, finals for the 4 classes started on wednesday)

group two had five tests + clinicals( no weekend break in between tests, which means no time for mind to rests like group one). oh and two of the test were given on the same day(wednesday)monday and tuesday were also reading days for this group. and finals for 4 classes started on wednesday.

did group one have an advantage over group two seeing as how the test schedule for group two was heavy.

is it wrong to give nursing majors five tests back to back the week before finals, especially when this extreme schedule is not applied to everyone in both groups( or should i say the entire 1st semester class). futhermore is it wrong to give nursing majors a heavy test schedule like this the week before finals--> how can they study for the tests efficiently let alone prepare for finals the upcoming week.

what are your opinions

My schedule:

16 week semester, 13 credits.


Monday; 8:30-11:20

Tuesday: 8:30-11:50; 12:30-3:20

Wednesday: 8:30-10:20

Thursday: 8:30-2:20


Monday: 8:30-11:20; 12:30-3:20

Tuesday: 12:30-3:20

Wednesday: 8:30-10:20

Thursday: Clinical- 6:45-3:30

Specializes in heart failure and prison.

Welcome to nursing school 101. You should come to my school, it is unbeliveable. My program is part time. This is my senior year and I have 3 more months before I am finish and this is the worst yet. I am a strong person, but this is crazy and sometimes I feel like crying. My 1st test, I had 14 different chapters, I had clinicals the weekend before the exam, which meant, we had to do a careplan and turn it in the same day as exam, and we had a medspub test due the same week and to top it off, we have 3 different instructors teaching and no review. We were told, because we are seniors, we don't need a review. Now that is a real hot mess

Yeah That Is A Mess, At Least Ya'll Have Experience ..try That Scenario I Had And Total Unorganization, Mostof The Class Fumbled And Prayed Their Way Through, Not To Say They Do Not Know Their Stuff. I Have Very Smart Peers. Oh And My Program Is Full Time And I Think Everyone Has Those Crying Moments About Twice A Week. Hope You Do Well And Wish You The Best Of Luck.

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