How much critical care do you need?

Specialties Flight


How much critical care does one need before they can be considered for flight nursing? It seems so exciting..all I have dont thos is med surg so I know I need to get some critical care under my belt.

I believe this best sums it up.

Good article on what can go wrong especially if you don't have enough experience. On The Road Again (K Livy).pdf

The flight employer will help with some skills but don't expect to be proficient at most ICU skills with a 1 hour overview such as what is often offered by some employers or the CCEMTP course.

Everything will depend on the service you want to work for and how good you want to be. Just remember, you are it and you screw up the outcome is not good. This goes not only for judgment in patient care but for aircraft safety as well. Dead is dead which applies to both patient outcome and you if you don't get the proper education and experience.

You must have strong clinical skills so you don't become a headline either for doing harm to your patient or dying on the job.


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