How long do you wait?!?!


I've applied to a few different hospitals in the last week, and I was wondering what the average time was before you hear back from someone. Whether they are wanting an interview, more info, or reject you? I just want to hear something. I graduate August 6th, so I'm hoping I'll have something lined up by then or at least by the time I take the NCLEX-RN.

Specializes in NICU.

I never heard a word from most of the places I applied to. Some sent rejection emails, though it was usually weeks (and sometimes months) after I applied. Of the few interviews I was offered, one was the day after I applied, one was a few days later but the same week, and one was about 4.5 months after I applied.

I'd say out of the 200 aps I submitted I only heard anything (mostly rejection) from about 40 of them.

Hi - I also have not heard from most of the hospitals I applied to. If I don't hear back within a certain amount of time, I call HR and ask if I'm still being considered for the position. I guess because there are so many applicants, most don't bother with sending out rejection letters. Good luck! I hope you find something soon!

I just sent out a resume to a family practice this morning, and within 5 minutes I got a call setting up an interview on Monday. i sent out several more this morning, so I'm hoping for more responses. I'm hoping for a job at a hospital, but a doctor's office will work just fine too. Thanks for replying :)

Specializes in NICU.

Good for you! I hope you can escape the months of job searching. A job at a doctor's office will still give you better experience than sitting around searching for a job. You will probably get to do some patient education, and depending on how nurses are utilized and what type of patient population they serve perhaps even a little case management.

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