Published Wednesday
Hannah Bennett
6 Posts
I know this answer varies a lot based on state and individual situation... but how long does the reinstatement process usually take once your license has been suspended? I have heard so many different views, anywhere from 2 weeks to a year.
I'm already 3 months into suspension and have completed most of my requirements (evaluation, treatment, CEs, background check) but I'm just waiting to hear from the KY BON at this point. No one seems to be able to (or wants to) give me an estimate.
74 Posts
Why haven't you heard back? Because BONs can take on average, 3 months. Depending on the state, your request goes to a subcommittee at the BON and that committee approves it for the 1st step to get it on the agenda at the next BON meeting of which there is an open slot for it on the agenda. The approval at the official BON meeting is the final step. This is why is can take between 1 week and 1 year, but 3 months is average. Depends on how backed up the BON/open slots on the agenda. As you can imagine and I hate to be political here, when you live in a far left state, well.....these people run things and yes, these states usually take longer because organization, planning, and working hard usually doesn't go well with these folks. I will leave it that. Hint....Montana and South Dakota and Idaho in general (not always) move faster than California, NJ, and NY.
How do you possibly speed that process up? CALL THEM. Every BON has a compliance department or someone that works compliance. You can't "get into trouble" by simply calling the BON and asking about where they are in the process. There is no harm there. Calling and talking can also help prevent the old famous BON trick of "not receiving your paperwork," or..."we never received it" which the BON loves to do in order to mess with people and delay the process. That technique is old school and mostly 1990s style, but you still get one every now and then that tries to double down on stupid, so calling them helps in this regard also.
68 Posts
My consent order includes a 60-day suspension, which I got this consent order before any compliance meeting or hearing. I have a zoom meeting next week to request that it be lifted, but my lawyer said that suspensions are rarely lifted before the time, so I will likely serve the full 60 days before my administrative hearing which is in May. To be honest, I don't even know why I have these meetings, because my lawyer already gave me my consent order, which includes a sixty day suspension and one year probation. My case has moved relatively quickly; my license was suspended last week, and my hearing to lift the suspension is scheduled for the first Thursday of next month, which is their usual meeting time. My administrative hearing will take place in May. I believe my lawyer played a role in expediting the process, but outcomes can vary based on the case, state, and attorney. From my initial interview with the investigator mid-October (but I didn't even know I was getting investigated) to my administrative hearing in mid-May, the entire process will take about 7-8 months. Hope this helps!
11 Posts
JB C said: Why haven't you heard back? Because BONs can take on average, 3 months. Depending on the state, your request goes to a subcommittee at the BON and that committee approves it for the 1st step to get it on the agenda at the next BON meeting of which there is an open slot for it on the agenda. The approval at the official BON meeting is the final step. This is why is can take between 1 week and 1 year, but 3 months is average. Depends on how backed up the BON/open slots on the agenda. As you can imagine and I hate to be political here, when you live in a far left state, well.....these people run things and yes, these states usually take longer because organization, planning, and working hard usually doesn't go well with these folks. I will leave it that. Hint....Montana and South Dakota and Idaho in general (not always) move faster than California, NJ, and NY. How do you possibly speed that process up? CALL THEM. Every BON has a compliance department or someone that works compliance. You can't "get into trouble" by simply calling the BON and asking about where they are in the process. There is no harm there. Calling and talking can also help prevent the old famous BON trick of "not receiving your paperwork," or..."we never received it" which the BON loves to do in order to mess with people and delay the process. That technique is old school and mostly 1990s style, but you still get one every now and then that tries to double down on stupid, so calling them helps in this regard also.
LOL I don't think you hate to get political! California, NY, and NJ are all super high population states with very involved BONs; they would have much higher numbers and naturally move slower. Montana, SD, and Idaho would all be much less densely populated and therefore have less busy BONs. And as anyone who has spent time on this board knows, Texas and Florida both boast some very slow moving BONs (which makes sense given their size! But they aren't exactly known for being liberal states). I'm in a very blue state but with a very small monitoring population (I've been told it's comparable to SD, actually!) and I have one of the most prompt, supportive, and responsive BONs of any I've seen mentioned on here. There are many reasons why different states have different turn around times; we can help one another out here and very easily avoid mentioning anything you'd "hate" to bring up 😉
209 Posts
Purplenurse123 said: LOL I don't think you hate to get political! California, NY, and NJ are all super high population states with very involved BONs; they would have much higher numbers and naturally move slower. Montana, SD, and Idaho would all be much less densely populated and therefore have less busy BONs. And as anyone who has spent time on this board knows, Texas and Florida both boast some very slow moving BONs (which makes sense given their size! But they aren't exactly known for being liberal states). I'm in a very blue state but with a very small monitoring population (I've been told it's comparable to SD, actually!) and I have one of the most prompt, supportive, and responsive BONs of any I've seen mentioned on here. There are many reasons why different states have different turn around times; we can help one another out here and very easily avoid mentioning anything you'd "hate" to bring up 😉
So, I get it. The leftist state boards are just as functional and heck, probably even MORE functional than the non-left wing state boards, because historically, these lefties are SOLID at running institutions. LMAO. As for CA, NY, and NJ, you are correct on one thing, they certainly are "involved." LOL. Jeffrey Dahmer was very involved in the community also, he was just piss poor as to how he interacted with his community, but yep, he was "involved," LOL.