How long did it take to get your license?


I'm not sure if my BON (Georgia) is just slow or if there's anything I can do, but I have to try. They've had my NP app for 3 wks now. It's pending except for they cashed my check. My employer is getting impatient, which is making me nervous (I'm orienting but can't be official without the license). This is my dream job and I'd rather be locked in as an NP before something happens to the budget.

How long did you wait? Anything I can do to speed it along? It's frustrating that they are speeding me through their system, and the hold up is on my end.

Thanks so much.

Specializes in PNP, CDE, Integrative Pain Management.

I experienced the same frustration when my check was cashed by the state BON yet I hadn't heard anything about my license. Missouri has an online feature where you can search for your name in the advanced practice nurses licensures, I was checking daily! I finally called, and they hadn't received the results from my certification exam even though I had received a copy of the certification letter that had been sent to the state by the certifying board. The state BON actually accepted a fax of my copy of the letter, and they sent my license immediately. I strongly suggest you call the APN section of your BON and ask if everything is in order. Good luck!

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