A lot of nurses around the country are wanting to help their fellow colleagues in Texas, but not sure how to start. Conditions in Houston and surrounding areas are not getting better, and help may be needed for longer than originally thought. Nurses in some affected hospitals are staying 24/7, surrounded by flooded roads.Show Me Your Stethoscope (SMYS) Fb group led by Janie Garner, is spearheading relief efforts and sharing information on their page.I keep hearing a need for NICU nurses in Houston and Dallas. At the same time, there can be bottlenecks getting nurses from airports to facilities. Some nurses are being helicoptered in. Patients are unable to get to dialysis centers and nursing home residents have been displaced in large numbers. Patients are being discharged with no where to go and living in the ED.Help is needed in shelters as well as hospitals. Displaced behavioral patients need mental health professionals who are trained in communicating with this population.If you are thinking of going to help in Texas, do not self-deploy. Go through a reputable organization. Here's a couple helpful links I found:The Texas BON is sending RNs with compact licenses to the Texas Department of State Health Services . This volunteer registry matches skills with emergency needsIf you do not have a compact license, the Texas BON explains the procedure for obtaining an expedited temporary Texas RN license, good for 120 days. Write "HARVEY" on the application. Another option is to contact a travel agency, for example, Trustaff is walking nurses through the process. The travel agencies are knowledgable about licensing.Here's a link to deploy with the Red Cross as a health professional volunteerHowever, their site is overloaded at this time and you may have to try several times. I've also heard their first priority is donations, and not deploying nurses. Needs include: dry socks for policemen, feminine hygiene products for shelters, barrier cream for nursing home residents or displaced residents, and bug spray.There are many other organizations than the Red Cross accepting donations. The Texas Diaper Bank collects and disperses diapers for babies/toddlers in crisis. Read Help! In Texas for a list of charitable agencies.Some travel agencies (Meridian, Aya, Fastaff) are offering crisis pay, depending on specialty. For example, Meridian is paying $52.00/hour and sending nurses to San Antonio and Austin. Two week contracts and other flexible arrangements are available. note: this is NOT an endorsement of any particular travel agency. There are many agencies out there, too numerous to list. Some have contracts with facilities in need, some do not.On social media, use hashtag #HarveyNurses to show support for our sister and brother nurses working tirelessly to help out.Hoping others will have more information, please add. Best wishes, Nurse Beth 1 Down Vote Up Vote × About Nurse Beth, MSN Career Columnist / Author Nurse Beth is an Educator, Writer, Blogger and Subject Matter Expert who blogs about nursing career advice at http://nursecode.com 145 Articles 4,327 Posts Share this post Share on other sites