How to get an edge over other nurses?


I'm finding out quickly that nursing jobs won't be as easy to come by as I was made to believe. :/ I'm new to this site and only on my second year of pre-nursing (that being said, please excuse my ignorance. Im finding out i dot know as much as i thought after finding this site lol I'm learning everything slowly). Besides the obvious- getting good grades, how can I get an edge over other nursing students when it comes to finding jobs? What will make me more valuable? What specific things can I do to get ahead? Thanks for help!


Take a CNA course to get experience in the field. This will show the admission committees that you actually have an interest. Also, this is a good way to get letters of recommendations, as well as ideas for admission essays.

Specializes in Case mgmt., rehab, (CRRN), LTC & psych.

Work in a healthcare facility while attending school as a CNA, unit secretary, dietary aide, or other position. Your employment will provide a ready set of references if your job performance is up to par. In addition, the same healthcare facility might decide to hire you as a nurse when you graduate from your program of study.

One of the unit secretaries at my workplace recently graduated from a local nursing program, and is being kept onboard to be trained as a staff nurse.

Do everything you can to collect "A's"! Start reading and studying for the TEAS as you're doing your pre and co reqs! Leave plenty of time to retake the TEAS for a better score! Keep in mind that, depending on the facility, you may be out of a job as a CNA when you graduate... So plan ahead... Nail some scholarships to buffer your income as you go, but don't expect to work more than 16-24 hours while in school, your family and your studies may suffer. Good luck and keep up the good work!

Thanks everyone! Great advice :) I'll do my best.

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